Green Chile Chicken + Egg Breakfast Skillet

Photo by Instagram @ladylunching

This recipe uses our Chicken Green Chile Soup recipe as a base. Follow that recipe and cook for slightly longer to thicken soup. See full instructions below to adapt for this delicious breakfast skillet!

One of my favorite ways to serve this dish is in individual cast iron skillets. Lodge makes 6.5 inch skillets that are perfect for personal breakfast skillets! The below recipe and picture show the dish made in personal skillets, but you can easily adjust to a larger skillet by adding in approximately 1 1/2 cup of soup base per person into each skillet and topping with additional eggs.

Cooking time: approximately 30 minutes + 2-6.5 hours (for soup base)

Serves 2

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place Chicken Green Chile Soup base into sauce pan and bring to a gentle boil over medium-high heat. Lower heat to simmer and cook uncovered until soup is desired consistency, approximately 15-20 minutes. Soup base should be thick without much liquid broth.

Spoon 1 1/2 cups of green chile chicken base into two 6.5 inch cast iron skillets. Crack eggs directly into skillet. If using a larger skillet, place all three (or more cups) of base into skillet and evenly separate each egg in a circle. Bake at 375 for 5-7 minutes or until eggs are desired done-ness. (I like my yolks slightly runny.)

Remove from oven, let sit for 1-2 minutes. Top with feta, cilantro, and Desert Provisions Hatch Green Chile Salt. Serve on a plate with a small napkin or trivet underneath (if going the personal skillet route, as it helps avoid the skillet sliding around on the plate) or place larger cast iron skillet on a trivet and use as your serving dish. Gently scoop out onto bowls or plates to enjoy. Be mindful of the hot skillet.

Cook's notes: Make the Chicken Green Chile Soup in advance and freeze to have this dish on demand any time of year! Green chiles from New Mexico and the American Southwest are at their peak of freshness in September.


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